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My Jacket has a high breathability rating but I still got wet inside - why?Updated 4 months ago

Despite wearing a jacket with a high breathability rating, it is still possible to get wet inside due to several factors. Here are a few reasons why this can happen:

Condensation: When you engage in physical activities and generate heat, the moisture vapor from your body can condense inside the jacket if the external conditions are colder. This condensation can accumulate over time, leading to a damp feeling.

Improper Layering: Breathable jackets work best when combined with a proper layering system. If you are wearing non-breathable layers underneath or not adequately managing your body moisture with moisture-wicking base layers, the moisture buildup inside the jacket may increase, resulting in a wet feeling.

Fit : The fit of the jacket plays a role in breathability. If the jacket is too tight, the airflow inside the jacket may be restricted, hindering the effective transfer of moisture vapor.

Fabric Saturation: Over time, even highly breathable fabrics can become saturated with moisture, especially in extreme weather conditions or during prolonged physical exertion. This saturation can reduce the fabric's breathability and make it feel damp on the inside.

It is important to remember that breathability ratings indicate the fabric's ability to transport moisture vapor, but they do not guarantee complete protection against all types of moisture. To enhance your comfort and minimize the chances of getting wet inside your jacket, consider the external conditions, proper layering techniques, and the overall fit of the garment.

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